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Mapping cultural cooperation in South East Europe. The internationalization of cultural policies

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Mapping cultural cooperation in South East Europe. The internationalization of cultural policies
Dragicevic-Sesic, Milena y Corina Suteu

Datos generales

ECUMEST Association

Año de publicación


The cultural cooperation logic marking the last 14 years in South Eastern Europe has to be regarded from a broad perspective as driven not only by the consequences of the collapse of the communist institutional order, but also as a result of the general transformations taking place at a European and international level: the challenges resulting from the liberalization of markets, globalisation processes and technological revolution (new technologies, information support for knowledge, deepening inequality north/south, the redefinition of the role of culture and the growing tendency towards transversal governance, replacing the pyramidal paradigm of authority).
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Fecha de última modificación: 16 de agosto del 2021, 11:22
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Coordinación Nacional de Desarrollo Institucional/SIC